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Elon Musk Stays Silent As Criticism Mounts Over Tesla’s Xinjiang Dealership, Accused Of Complicity In Human Rights Abuses

Elon Musk Stays Silent As Criticism Mounts Over Tesla's Xinjiang Dealership, Accused Of Complicity In Human Rights Abuses

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The usually chatty Elon Musk has maintained an uncharacteristic silence on his Twitter (NYSE: TWTR) page following reports that Tesla Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) has opened a showroom in the capital of Xinjiang, the province where human rights advocates have accused the Chinese government of abuses against the Uyghur minority population. What Happened: Tesla announced the opening of the dealership in a Dec. 31 post on the Chinese social media platform Weibo; the company did not make a similar announcement on any English-language social media site.

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